Storymatic Docs

Blocks and States

The core foundation of Storymatic is the block and state system.


A block is a collection of statements to run and text to output. State is an alternative name for block, but it is usually used to describe the names of blocks, and the internal state that the program is in, while block is used to describe the statements inside.


  Hello Bob!
  What would you like to do today?

The first line (start) is the state (name). A state can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and must have no indentation. The indented text (Hello $name...) is the block (content). A block must be indented. The block can have several lines, but they must all be indented.

The part of the story that contains the states and blocks is called the root section, or the root.

The root should always contain a state called start, which is where your story should start.

More Examples

Here is another example with two states (chocolate and vanilla):

  Wow! Chocolate is also my favorite ice cream flavor!
  Would you like to buy some?

  I also love vanilla!

Notice how both states have no indentation, while the blocks have indentation.

You can have different levels of indentation for different blocks; thus, this example is valid Storymatic code:

 Wow! Chocolate is also my favorite ice cream flavor!
 Would you like to buy some?

    I also love vanilla!
